April 2023 News

A VYLTP Taizé Youth Day was held at Volmoed on the Saturday before Palm Sunday. Brs Edwin & Josias participated throughout the day in various ways, while Br Scott led a workshop on an aspect of prayer in the afternoon. All the Brothers attended the evening prayer around the cross together with the young people.

Palm Sunday was of course the beginning of Holy Week. In Br Daniel’s absence, we appreciated Rev Wilma’s availability to preside at the Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday observances. Serghay & Yohane of the Volmoed staff helped Brs Edwin & Josias create the altar of repose in the smaller chapel for use after the Maundy Thursday service in the evening.

It was good to have John de Gruchy with us to preside at the Easter Vigil which began in the darkness on Easter Sunday morning. John then celebrated at the joyful Eucharist which followed while the sun rose after the Vigil.

John continued teaching his novitiate class on South African church history after Easter.

During April, several guests joined the brothers for prayer at various times. Some of these were international. We enjoyed spending time in prayer and conversation with Benedict & Sabine (from a community in Switzerland) and with Erik (from the Netherlands). Benedict preached an engaging sermon at the Volmoed Thursday communion service on the Emmaus Road encounter.

Br Roger met with several pilgrims on the Pilgrimage of Hope and blessed them on their way.

Br Roger represented the Priory at a Volmoed trustees meeting, while Brs Scott & Roger attended an online Holy Cross School board meeting as trustees of the school.

Sadly, a close family member who had been significant in the life of Br Edwin died after suffering a stroke earlier in the month. Br Edwin went back to Worcester for some days to be with his family and share in their grieving. Br Roger attended the funeral with Br Edwin and his family and a substantial number of people from their surrounding community who mourned the loss of the departed.

On the last Saturday in April, Brs Scott & Josias travelled to All Saints Church in Belhar to attend the young vocations day held under the auspices of False Bay Diocese. They spoke in two sessions to groups of young people who had expressed interest in monastic life and enjoyed interacting with them.