Br Robert James, the Superior of our Order, arrived from the USA in the second half of January to spend a few weeks with our monastic community. Some of his time with us involved his official annual visitation, during which he met individually with all members of the community and then together with the whole community, to discuss our current situation and future possibilities.
The highlight of a relatively eventful month was surely the Initial Profession of the Monastic Vow by our Br Mpumelelo, on Saturday 1 February. Although Br Mpumelelo’s family were unable to attend, we were very happy to have four Sisters from the Community of Jesus’ Compassion in KZN with us for this joyful occasion. It was also good to have Max, an Associate of Holy Cross, and his wife Ellen, with us from Canada, having been visiting family in Cape Town.
Br Robert James preached and received Br Mpumelelo’s vow. The text of Br Robert’s sermon can be found here. We give thanks to God that all three of our novice monks have now persisted to profession, as we continue to appreciate the various ways in which they have enriched our community life and witness through their presence.

Just before Br Robert James arrived, Br Roger responded to a gracious invitation from Bp Raphael, of the neighbouring Anglican Diocese of Saldanha Bay, to attend an evening gathering with him and representatives from two other religious communities at his residence in Cape Town. It was good to be together with the members of the Society of the Sacred Mission, whose Priory is in Lesotho and who were in Cape Town for their annual Chapter, and a number of people associated in various ways with the Community of the Resurrection in the UK, to enjoy fellowship together with lively conversation.
During Br Robert James’ time with us, both he and Br Roger attended online meetings of the Holy Cross School trust board and of the Council of the Order of the Holy Cross. Br Roger also attended an in-person meeting of the Volmoed Council.
Br Daniel met with an interesting and interested group in nearby Betty’s Bay to discuss aspects of monastic life with them. More solemnly, he officiated at the memorial service of the husband of a friend of our monastic community.
Br Aelred participated in two weekend sessions of the spiritual direction training course he is attending online. He appreciated an icon-writing course presented at Volmoed by Charlotte Pedersen, who during an intensive week coached a small group of beginners through the production of quite impressive works.
Br Josias continued to strengthen his ministry to our local Associates and the Ithemba special-needs centre in Zwelihle township.
In the second half of February, Br Roger travelled to Inkamana Abbey in KZN to participate in the annual gathering of representatives from Benedictine communities in southern Africa (BECOSA). This year, two communities from Zambia were included. Br Roger was more involved in organizing and facilitating the meeting this year, due to his current position as the vice-president of BECOSA.
Our monastic community contributed in various ways to the Taizé Youth Day held at Volmoed on Saturday 1 March. Br Aelred participated in aspects of the preparation for the occasion. Br Daniel provided a Bible reflection to the group. We attended the evening prayer that concluded the day. It was good to experience the presence of the young people gathered together from nearby and further away to appreciate what Volmoed has to offer.
May you have a Blessed Lent!