Sermon for the Third Sunday of Advent by Br Mpumelelo

Scripture Readings

Let us pray: Make us to know Your Ways, O LORD JESUS CHRIST; teach us Your Paths. Lead us in Your Truth, and teach us, for You are the GOD of our Salvation; for You we wait all day long. Amen.

Last week we were told about John the Baptist, that “he is a voice crying in the wilderness, saying: Prepare the way of the LORD, make his paths straight” — as it is written in the book of the prophet Isaiah — and I believe that each one of us had a question in their heart: “How do we prepare the way of the LORD? How do we make His paths straight?” Today, we see GOD answering that question through His Word clearly: to prepare the way of the LORD, and to make His paths straight, means to repent and bear fruits worthy of repentance! This is why Mark once said: “John was proclaiming the baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins!” (Mark 1:4)

And one may ask: What is repentance?

I have three things I would like to answer this question with:

  1. Repentance involves recognizing and acknowledging our sinfulness. By acknowledging our sin, we can begin to understand our need for GOD’s forgiveness and redemption.
  2. Repentance involves turning away from sin and towards GOD. This turning away from sin is a crucial step in spiritual growth, as it allows us to break free from the bondage of sin and begin to walk in obedience to GOD.
  3. Repentance involves a renewal of our minds, as we begin to see the world and ourselves through GOD’s eyes. This renewal of our minds is a key aspect of spiritual growth, as it allows us to think and act in ways that are pleasing to GOD. (Romans 12:1-2 will tell you more about that.)

All this happens deep in the heart of a person who has believed in the Word of GOD, who has believed in GOD Himself and His Son JESUS CHRIST, and the good thing about repentance is that a person is definitely forgiven of sins, they are completely cleansed, the punishment of their sins is removed, the wrath of GOD because of sin has no place for them, they are made a child of GOD who has a good relationship with GOD! If one has such a good relationship with GOD, the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, will definitely grow inside that one, which will make them get along well with all the people they live with!

When John baptizes, a crowd approaches him.

Among this crowd, there are Religious Leaders who do not have generosity, but they claim that they know GOD! GOD has blessed them with many good things, they lack nothing, but it is easy for them to pass a needy person on the street, they don’t share clothes or food with them.

Among this crowd, there are Tax Collectors who lack integrity and fairness in their profession, yet they claim they know GOD while they collect from people more than what is appointed for them!

Among this crowd, there are soldiers who are not satisfied with what they have so that they extort money by accusing people falsely! Yet they claim that they know GOD, because they are the seed of Abraham who was close to GOD and they claim to be blessed, because they came from the loins of Abraham and GOD is their Father; they are not like the Gentiles! And they are chosen by GOD to lead people!

John did not see in them the children of GOD! John did not see in them the children of Abraham, but he saw the offspring of vipers! Now let’s see the term “Vipers”; this term is a metaphor, because vipers are kinds of snakes that are poisonous and can kill, causing great pain and tissue damage. Vipers can hide in their surroundings, appearing harmless, and strike their prey by
surprise. Vipers have a beautiful exterior, but are filled with poison inside. In other words, John means to tell us that these people, although their outward appearance looks good and harmless, and their history describes them well as people who are close to GOD, who are scribes, who carry the Law of GOD, but in them there is a deadly poison that is sin, which tortures the people they lead, that makes them oppress the people they live with! So their actions define them as people who are not from GOD, but from Satan himself! As JESUS would say: they are from their father the devil, because they choose to do their father’s desires! (John 3:44) ⸺ because everyone who commits sin is a child of the devil; for the devil has been sinning from the beginning! That’s what the Holy Scripture says (1 John 3:8) ⸺ and the wrath of GOD will rest on all the children of Satan! The brood of vipers!

That is why John is calling them to repentance; he is not condemning them, but he is calling them to repentance, so that they can be safe from the wrath of GOD, because the Kingdom of GOD is near and it is coming with His Son JESUS the Messiah! The Emmanuel! The LORD IS WITH US!

According to this Scripture, John is preparing them for the coming of Emmanuel, the One who is more powerful than him! Who will baptize them with the HOLY SPIRIT and FIRE! The SPIRIT who will make the place of GOD in their hearts! So that GOD will dwell in them, so that they can do good works worthy of GOD’s children, and learn to love their neighbors in truth!

But what does GOD say to us as Christians today? He says, let’s examine ourselves to see if we have real faith! He says, let’s prepare for the return of our Saviour JESUS! For the ax has been laid to the roots to cut down all those who do not bear the fruits of righteousness, which are the fruits of the Spirit, but call themselves children of GOD! Because JESUS says according to John: “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, my FATHER takes away; He casts them out and they wither, and gathers them and throws them into the fire and they are burned.” (John 15:2, 6 )

GOD is saying today: examine yourselves to see if you are not the brood of vipers! Don’t say you always go to church! Don’t say that you are baptised, you partake in the Lord’s Supper every Sunday and you are paying tithes! Don’t say you are a priest, you celebrate at the altar every time when you are needed to celebrate! Don’t say that you are a monk and you pray every day! Because all that is useless if you are not truly repentant! If you don’t bear fruit worthy of repentance!

If you refuse to obey the Word of GOD, know this: Now as we speak the ax is lying at the root of the tree to cut down all those who do not bear the fruits of righteousness! Yes, the fruits of the SPIRIT! Because the Great Day of the LORD! – The return of JESUS The King! – that day is burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble; the day that comes to them shall burn them up, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for those who truly repent, who revere GOD’s Name by obeying His Word and bearing fruit, the sun of righteousness shall rise, with healing in its wings. They shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. And they shall tread down the wicked, for the wicked will be ashes under the soles of their feet, on the day when the LORD will act, says the LORD of hosts. (Malachi 4:1-3)

The good thing is that the ax is still lying at the roots and it hasn’t started cutting! Which is an indication of Love, and GOD’s patience with his people!

Once you’ve examined yourself and repented of whatever evil you can find in yourself, GOD says to you through the Prophet Zephaniah: Start Rejoicing! Sing loudly! Exalt with all your heart! Because GOD has removed your punishment! You have passed judgment! Yes, through His Servant Paul, He is saying to you: Rejoice in all circumstances! Don’t worry about anything! Don’t be afraid even of death when it comes! In any kind of suffering, in everything let your gentleness be known by everyone in order for them to come to this Loving JESUS! In everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to GOD! But remember: your request will be answered if you bear fruit worthy of repentance! Because JESUS once said: if you bear fruit that will last, the FATHER will give you whatever you ask Him in His Name! (John 15:16).

Hear what the SPIRIT is saying to GOD’s people! Amen!

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