The month of March opened and closed with significant events for the Brothers at the Priory.

Edwin Kriel was clothed as a Novice in the habit of our Order on Saturday 4 March. The ceremony was witnessed by a sizeable congregation of his family and friends from Worcester as well as members of the Volmoed community. It was a happy occasion, and the rain that followed was received as a sign of blessing. Having completed six months as a Postulant, Br Edwin will continue his formation as a Novice for a year. Please join us in prayer for him during this next phase.

Josias Morobi was a member of our monastic community some years ago, at the monastery outside Makhanda (Grahamstown) in the Eastern Cape. Having left to continue his discernment elsewhere, he has now returned to us. Br Josias was clothed as a Novice in the habit of our Order at Vespers on Thursday 30 March, in a ceremony witnessed by members of the Volmoed community. We give thanks for two such happy occasions in a single month. Please do include Br Josias in your prayers.

Br Luc made his life profession of the threefold monastic vow on Saturday 18 March at our Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, NY, in the US. Thanks to modern technology, our monastic community here was able to witness the joyful event via a livestream.
Br Daniel accompanied Br Luc to the US on Thursday 9 March, and so was able to participate both in Br Luc’s life profession and in Br Francis’ initial profession earlier in the same week. The Holy Cross Monastery community had also clothed Br Marc as a Novice not long before.
Br Daniel will remain in the US until after our Order’s annual Chapter meeting in early June. Rev Wilma travelled to the US with Brs Luc and Daniel for a time of personal retreat and to witness Br Luc’s life profession as part of a small South African contingent.

A guest who was at Volmoed for a discernment retreat joined us for many of our chapel prayers and met with one of the Brothers for conversation about his life journey. We were pleased to welcome to our chapel prayers members of several groups who were at Volmoed, including Anglican youth councils and a leadership training group under the auspices of the Tutu Foundation.
The special Holy Week services at Volmoed include the following:
- Palm Sunday 2 April 9am
- Maundy Thursday 6 April 7pm
- Good Friday 7 April 12 noon
- Easter Sunday 9 April 6am
We wish you a blessed Holy Week and a joyful Easter.
What a rich time of blessings for your community life there with the incoming of new brothers of late. I am so excited for you as dreams of a viable monastic community there are truly coming to fruition. May you all know the joy of these times. Ellie
Congratulations Edwin and Josias. May your journeys make your hearts sing.