The change from January to February brought with it a change in the monastic community. Br Edwin returned to us after 4 months at our Holy Cross Monastery in the USA. Br Luc accompanied him, and will be with our local community for almost 3 months. Br Josias departed on the plane that Brs Edwin and Luc had just arrived on.
Br Josias will be visiting the monastic community at Holy Cross Monastery for a little over 2 months, living as a member of the novitiate there during that period. While in the USA, he has recently been interviewed by our Order’s Council, which has approved his application to make his initial profession of the monastic vow, which will take place after he returns to us.
Since his return from the USA, Br Edwin has visited his family in Worcester for a week. He is to make his initial profession here at Volmoed on Saturday 23 March, taking the religious name Aelred. Please pray for him as he prepares to make this joyous commitment.

Br Daniel and Rev Wilma shared in leading our observance on Ash Wednesday, which we shared with members of the Volmoed community as well as guests. Br Mpumelelo worked with Isobel de Gruchy and Zenande from VYLTP to create a beautiful stole for use during the season of Lent.
Br Daniel accompanied John de Gruchy to Stellenbosch for a day, to participate in a student seminar.
The Volmoed Council met twice during this period, once for a visioning workshop facilitated by community psychologist Ansie Kitching then later for a regular business meeting. Brs Roger and Daniel participated in both of these meetings. Brs Roger and Scott attended a Holy Cross School Trust board meeting.
Br Scott facilitated the first part of a VYLTP planning workshop. Some of the VYLTP leadership joined the monastic community at prayer, while participants in the Beloved Community workshop attended Lauds and Eucharist with the Brothers the following week.

More recently, Br Roger participated in the annual meeting of the Benedictine Communities of Southern Africa (BECOSA) at Inkamana Abbey near Vryheid in KZN. The host community was very welcoming and hospitable, and it was good to be with them and the representatives from other monastic communities, who are in a variety of situations and contexts, to share about experiences and perspectives.
On his return from the BECOSA meeting, Br Roger together with Br Daniel attended the service of ordination, consecration and installation of Stafford Moses as the new Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of False Bay, at the All Saints Cathedral in Somerset West. We keep the new bishop in our prayers as he takes on this responsibility.
It was good to have one of our Associates from the Eastern Cape at Volmoed for a few days. She joined us for chapel prayers and we enjoyed her company for a meal at the priory.