May Almighty God inspire you through the Holy Spirit to come and know Jesus anew and afresh within your life. Amen.
Greetings to all of you reading this reflection, my theme is: BREAKING THE HABIT
We all know that we do the same thing (such as gestures and responses etc.) every time we gather for worship. We all know the greeting at the start of the service where the presider says the Lord be with you and the church responds with and also with you. Now there was a bishop who came to the parish for a confirmation service and as he approached the ambo he found the microphone was not working, so he tapped on the microphone and said there is something wrong with this mic and the church responded and also with you.
In our everyday life we tend to do things out of habit. We are Christians because we are used to this way of life, we were born Christian and now we just continue with what we were born into.
Some of us have been confronted with this question: Who is Jesus in my life?
Some of us have answered this question the very same as Peter, that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of God, God made flesh for us. However out of habit we have continued on the “journey” with Jesus forgetting the Jesus of the journey.
We are all confronted with this question this morning: Is Jesus still part of my journey. If so is my everyday life changing daily as I grow closer to God, or am I in a routine of habit.
Who do you say is Jesus?
You see Peter could say it with all boldness that Jesus is the Messiah, for as the Lectionary has put it:
-three weeks ago he was there to witness the Transfiguration of the Lord on the Mount. What transformation has there been in our lives since we have been journeying with Jesus?
-two weeks ago Peter walked on water. What miracles has Jesus performed in our lives? What storm has Jesus carried us through after we took our eyes of Him?
There are many things in our everyday life that confirms that Jesus is the Messiah and we know it. The question remains are we acknowledging it every day. Do I wake up every day and say If Jesus is not part of my day my day is meaningless, and do we invite Him into our day?
As we continue on our earthly pilgrimage this week may we ponder on the following questions:
-Who is Jesus to me?
-Is Jesus truly part of my everyday life, or am I just going about my day as I normally do out of habit?